226 research outputs found

    Boosting perceptual learning by fake feedback

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    AbstractHow does the brain control its sensory plasticity using performance feedback? We examined this question using various types of fake feedback in perceptual learning paradigm. We demonstrated that fake feedback indicating a larger performance improvement facilitated learning compared with genuine feedback. Variance of the fake feedback modulated learning as well, suggesting that feedback uncertainty can be internally evaluated. These results were explained by a computational model which controlled the learning rate of the visual system based on Bayesian estimation of performance gradient incorporating an optimistic bias. Our findings suggest that sensory plasticity might be controlled by high-level cognitive processes

    Nitric Oxide Regulates Input Specificity of Long-Term Depression and Context Dependence of Cerebellar Learning

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    Recent studies have shown that multiple internal models are acquired in the cerebellum and that these can be switched under a given context of behavior. It has been proposed that long-term depression (LTD) of parallel fiber (PF)–Purkinje cell (PC) synapses forms the cellular basis of cerebellar learning, and that the presynaptically synthesized messenger nitric oxide (NO) is a crucial “gatekeeper” for LTD. Because NO diffuses freely to neighboring synapses, this volume learning is not input-specific and brings into question the biological significance of LTD as the basic mechanism for efficient supervised learning. To better characterize the role of NO in cerebellar learning, we simulated the sequence of electrophysiological and biochemical events in PF–PC LTD by combining established simulation models of the electrophysiology, calcium dynamics, and signaling pathways of the PC. The results demonstrate that the local NO concentration is critical for induction of LTD and for its input specificity. Pre- and postsynaptic coincident firing is not sufficient for a PF–PC synapse to undergo LTD, and LTD is induced only when a sufficient amount of NO is provided by activation of the surrounding PFs. On the other hand, above-adequate levels of activity in nearby PFs cause accumulation of NO, which also allows LTD in neighboring synapses that were not directly stimulated, ruining input specificity. These findings lead us to propose the hypothesis that NO represents the relevance of a given context and enables context-dependent selection of internal models to be updated. We also predict sparse PF activity in vivo because, otherwise, input specificity would be lost

    Depth propagation across an illusory surface

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    We investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of depth filling in on an illusory surface by measuring the temporal asynchrony of perceived depth between an illusory neon-colored surface and real contours. We temporally modulated the horizontal disparity at vertical edges of the illusory surface and measured the perceptual delay for the interpolated surface's depth under two different boundary conditions: disparity given at both sides, or disparity given at one side and a free boundary at the other side. The results showed that the amount of the delay depends on the spatial distance between the measured point and the edges where disparity was physically given. Importantly, the observed delay as a function of spatial distance was clearly different under the two boundary conditions. We found that this difference can be fairly well explained by a model based on a diffusion equation under different boundary conditions. These results support the existence of locally represented depth information and an interpolation process based on mutual interaction of this information

    A Computational Model of Limb Impedance Control Based on Principles of Internal Model Uncertainty

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    Efficient human motor control is characterized by an extensive use of joint impedance modulation, which is achieved by co-contracting antagonistic muscles in a way that is beneficial to the specific task. While there is much experimental evidence available that the nervous system employs such strategies, no generally-valid computational model of impedance control derived from first principles has been proposed so far. Here we develop a new impedance control model for antagonistic limb systems which is based on a minimization of uncertainties in the internal model predictions. In contrast to previously proposed models, our framework predicts a wide range of impedance control patterns, during stationary and adaptive tasks. This indicates that many well-known impedance control phenomena naturally emerge from the first principles of a stochastic optimization process that minimizes for internal model prediction uncertainties, along with energy and accuracy demands. The insights from this computational model could be used to interpret existing experimental impedance control data from the viewpoint of optimality or could even govern the design of future experiments based on principles of internal model uncertainty

    MEG Source Imaging and Group Analysis Using VBMEG

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    Variational Bayesian Multimodal EncephaloGraphy (VBMEG) is a MATLAB toolbox that estimates distributed source currents from magnetoencephalography (MEG)/electroencephalography (EEG) data by integrating functional MRI (fMRI) (https://vbmeg.atr.jp/). VBMEG also estimates whole-brain connectome dynamics using anatomical connectivity derived from a diffusion MRI (dMRI). In this paper, we introduce the VBMEG toolbox and demonstrate its usefulness. By collaborating with VBMEG's tutorial page (https://vbmeg.atr.jp/docs/v2/static/vbmeg2_tutorial_neuromag.html), we show its full pipeline using an open dataset recorded by Wakeman and Henson (2015). We import the MEG data and preprocess them to estimate the source currents. From the estimated source currents, we perform a group analysis and examine the differences of current amplitudes between conditions by controlling the false discovery rate (FDR), which yields results consistent with previous studies. We highlight VBMEG's characteristics by comparing these results with those obtained by other source imaging methods: weighted minimum norm estimate (wMNE), dynamic statistical parametric mapping (dSPM), and linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamformer. We also estimate source currents from the EEG data and the whole-brain connectome dynamics from the MEG data and dMRI. The observed results indicate the reliability, characteristics, and usefulness of VBMEG